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Nearly half of New Zealand children do not attend swimming lessons, despite 90 New Zealanders drowning last year, the highest rate since 2011.

And new research shows one in five (23%) parents have no intention of enrolling their child.

The SWIMSAFER Report commissioned by Swim Coaches and Teachers New Zealand in partnership with Water Safety New Zealand, is part of the inaugural SWIMSAFER Week. It revealed 31% of parents believed their child’s swimming skills and confidence in the water were low.

Water Safety NZ CEO Daniel Gerrard said the need to get children learning to swim early was paramount to help shift the horrific drowning rates.

 “We are on the worst trajectory for drownings this country has ever seen, with 70 families losing a loved one already and we haven’t even hit Summer yet,” he said. “38% of parents surveyed said they or a family member had a bad experience with water and that’s why we have to get kids water-safe! Learning to swim is one of the best prevention method we’ve got and the sooner we can get kids, especially boys, confident and safe in the water the more lives we will save.”

 Para World Champion Swimmer Dame Sophie Pascoe, SWIMSAFER Week Ambassador, is passionate about teaching children to swim and said it was critical parents enrol their children in swimming lessons from a young age.

“Learning to swim should be a vital part of every child’s upbringing. In the earlier years is when you establish lifesaving skills like learning to float, being comfortable to breathe while in the water and easy ways to get out of a pool safely. It’s never too early to start,” she said. “It needs to become a non-negotiable in every home across New Zealand."

With 39% of New Zealand parents admitting they had only had basic or deficient swimming skills themselves; Swim Coaches and Teachers of New Zealand (SCTNZ) is passionate about bridging the gap and increasing the number of children being able to access swimming lessons.

 “We don’t want to see this pattern repeating,” said Daniel Fulton President of SCTNZ and swim school owner. SWIMSAFER Week is a chance to remind New Zealanders about the virtues of learning to swim, from the safety benefits to the fitness and bonding experiences.”

The SWIMSAFER Report also showed 52% of parents believed swimming lessons were too expensive, which is why ‘Swim It Forward’ will launch during New Zealand’s first SWIMSAFER Week.

The ‘Swim It Forward’ campaign aims to reduce the financial barriers for parents by generating funds to assist more families to afford swimming lessons. By donating the equivalent of one lesson (or just $20), Swim Coaches and Teachers of New Zealand will be able to help more families access lessons.

Ex-Navy diver Rob Hewitt, SWIMSAFER Week Ambassador, survived three nights in the sea after being pulled out by a strong rip current during a diving excursion with mates.

“Following my ordeal, I became passionate about teaching kids and adults water safety skills as I know first-hand how easy it is even for people with a lot of experience with water to get into trouble,” he said. “It’s so important for kids to know how to stay calm and stay afloat if they find themselves in a life-threatening situation in the water. Swimming saves lives it’s that simple.”

Key Facts:

48% of children are not attending swimming lessons

23% of parents have no intention of enrolling their child in lessons

66% of parents do not beieleve their children have the skills to get themselves out of danger in the water

38% of parents surveyed said they or a family member had a bad experience with water

Photo: Dan Fulton, Sophie Pascoe and Rob Hewitt with young swimmers.


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